4. Content management
As content we call all texts, images, video and audio files that will be included on the website. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the company for which it will be developed.
Content management system
The content registration is based on an integrated management system. With the help of content management systems we can create categories, articles belonging to a category and stand-alone articles (articles without a category). Additional options include archiving, searching for content, commenting on articles, managing a blog from the public section and many others.
The projects I develop use the content management system - Elxis CMS. Since 28. 06. 2012 i am part of its development team. Elxis CMS is a quite modern and fully developed tool for managing the content of your website!
Specialists presence
Many people in the market choose to use management systems with superficial knowledge. The results are not the desired ones. Several websites have the same or similar appearance and functionality with a number of bugs and security vulnerabilities in both the public and the administration part. They unknowingly ignore the risks, resulting in projects with an expiry date.
Reasons for the presence of experts
The presence of experts is considered necessary as they will choose the appropriate techniques for the presentation of the content, adapt the system to the needs of their clients and create all those functions that have been agreed upon. Finally, they will ensure the data protection of each project they have undertaken as well as they will take care to optimize the organic results of the website in search engines!
Read Also
- 6. Presentation step in section: Methodology
- 2. Analyze the requirements in section: Methodology
- Website redesign in section: Extra services
- 1. Collect information in section: Methodology
- 5. Integrating tasks and corrections in section: Methodology