The package covers the needs of scheduled events! What's the definition of scheduled events? Appointments, meetings, cultural events, performances, shows, tickets, courses, flights, competitions and seminars.The website will be ready to accept bookings for professionals who work by appointment such as doctors, teachers, civil engineers etc. In addition, each event can be addressed to one or more people (seats). For example, you can create an event for a show with a maximum of 100 people and offer tickets online!
Features of event booking website
Responsive web design.
Logo design.
Events bookings
The package covers the needs of scheduled events! What's the definition of scheduled events? Appointments, meetings, cultural events, performances, shows, tickets, courses, flights, competitions and seminars.
The website will be ready to accept bookings for professionals who work by appointment such as doctors, teachers, civil engineers etc. In addition, each event can be addressed to one or more people (seats). For example, you can create an event for a show with a maximum of 100 people and offer tickets online!
Membership management (add, register, edit, delete user account).
Multi-language support.
Contact form.
Sitemap for SEO and easy navigation.
SEO basic tasks.
Basic tasks to improve website's load times.
Events bookings application features
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You can add unlimited companies. (use this package as software)
Multi-user environment.
Multi-language interface.
Multi-currency support.
Support for many booking item types (appointments, events, lessons, tours, flights, tickets, shows, presentations, games, races and more including a custom option where you freely set your business).
Hybrid web based software (desktop/online).
Complete customer details (booking form elements are fully configurable).
Customer invoice details (optional).
PDF document (invoice) with full reservation details (autmatically emailed to the customer).
Personal details for each guest (optional).
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Credit card details (and validation).
Extra services support (additional things to book with extra charge - or free).
Log changes in reservations
Discount coupons. Valid for specific for specific date period or for specific reservation period (eg. for reservations during March 2025). You can also set how many times a discount coupon can be used (1 or more).
Configurable payment methods (Paypal, Bank deposit, Alpha Bank e-commerce, Cash on delivery, Skrill, 2 Checkout, Credit card, offline,, and more).
Booking items (events) features.
Booking items schedule based on regular hours (eg Monday to Friday) and on custom hours (any time period).
Copy a booking item schedule to an other item.
Calendar preview.
Prices can vary depending on the event date/time.
Prices can vary depending on guests ages (Adult/Children).
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During booking you can ask for Children information or, if you dont accept children or you dont have a special price policy for children, just for persons.
Setting to cancel automatically non-confirmed reservations after a specific number of days.
Tax percentage and surety fee.
Configurable fields in booking form.
Option to send e-mails from a third party server (anyone).
Export reservations as an Excel (.xlsx) document.
Statistical charts
Special reservation status page.
Conference tickets - Template design sample. [Click to zoom]