Keeping a website or an extension (web application, module or content plugin) up-to-dated and fully optimized could be consisted of an optional service however it's really important process. Maintenance service can be implemented once we have successfully delivered all the required tasks at regular intervals per case. The maintenance service can even anticipate vulnerabilities that may or may not be visible over time. Maintenance tasks Maintenance service is consist of 4 available tasks (see below). You can express your interest to all or even one of them. Let's analyze them to see the rea...
Maintenance service
Keeping a website or an extension (web application, module or content plugin) up-to-dated and fully optimized could be consisted of an optional service however it's really important process. Maintenance service can be implemented once we have successfully delivered all the required tasks at regular intervals per case. The maintenance service can even anticipate vulnerabilities that may or may not be visible over time.
Maintenance tasks
Maintenance service is consist of 4 available tasks (see below). You can express your interest to all or even one of them. Let's analyze them to see the reasons why we need to keep in mind.
Performance optimization
This task is performed to reduce the overall load time (page time). We optimize not only the source code but also we check all the factors that can negatively affect the performance of a website or an extension (web application). This task can be implemented once however, we should increase the time of executions in case of content's update or general changes at regular intervals. Therefore the time that this task is performed is proportional to the frequency of content change.

Validate source code
This task will certify a website based on international web standards (W3C). The same as the task above, validation can be performed once however it should be executed at regular intervals depending on how often the content will be changed.
Update extensions
Important task as it could predict vulnerabilities, fix bugs or implement new features to the existing extensions (web applications, modules and content plugins). The update process should be performed with attention at regular intervals. A custom software will be updated more difficult than then one that used by default.
Content management
We are going to update articles, delete outdated information, enrich content with meta descriptions and more accurate keywords, correct spelling errors and generally improve content which is the king of a website! This task can be performed depends on the needs.
Get full backup
This is a really important task of maintenance service especially in case of data recovery due to failure. A failure can be caused by attack (hacking victim) or hardware failure (f.e: hard drive’s destruction). Such task should be implemented at least once a month.
The cost of this service depends on the number of tasks we take over as well as the how often they need to be executed.
Request a quote to maintain your online presence up-to-date and take advantage of the quality tasks we provide to you all!
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