More services mean more adventure! We develop extra features that enrich an article with more functionality and have the name: content plugins. This service is exclusively compatible with Elxis CMS. Definition of content plugins Content plugins give extra functionality in an article. Want to present a map in an article giving your hotel's location? Would you like to add a contact form or would you prefer visitors have the option to read a PDF or DOC file directly from your website without being downloaded it first, see a photo gallery or a video from YouTube? In such cases of features we us...
Content plugins
More services mean more adventure! We develop extra features that enrich an article with more functionality and have the name: content plugins. This service is exclusively compatible with Elxis CMS.
Definition of content plugins
Content plugins give extra functionality in an article. Want to present a map in an article giving your hotel's location? Would you like to add a contact form or would you prefer visitors have the option to read a PDF or DOC file directly from your website without being downloaded it first, see a photo gallery or a video from YouTube? In such cases of features we use Content Plugins! WEBGIFT DEV has developed a vast variety of content plugins during the last years!
Request a quote in case that you desire the development of a custom content plugin.
Difference between content plugins and modules
Although both of these types of extensions give extra functionalities, content plugins will be triggered inside articles only (in content's component) while modules can be displayed inside module positions. Module position can be anywhere in your Elxis website and we can assign more than one modules in one module position!
This service is aimed at managers and/or web development companies that make use of the webmaster's Elxis CMS content management system.
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