Difference between web design and web development
Many people use the two terms web design and web development interchangeably, but they really do have two very different meanings. If you’re looking for a new job in the web design industry, or if you are someone looking to hire a web professional to build a website for you (My eProfile) or your company (My eBusiness), you need to know the difference between these two terms and the skill sets that come with them. Building a website Web Design Web design is the most common term used for professionals in this industry. Oftentimes, when someone says they are a "web designer" that are referr...
web development, web design, web services, website design, website development blog
Many people use the two terms web design and web development interchangeably, but they really do have two very different meanings. If you’re looking for a new job in the web design industry, or if you are someone looking to hire a web professional to build a website for you (My eProfile) or your company (My eBusiness), you need to know the difference between these two terms and the skill sets that come with them.
Building a website
Web Design
Web design is the most common term used for professionals in this industry. Oftentimes, when someone says they are a "web designer" that are referring to a very broad set of skills, one of which is visual design. The "design" part of this equation deals with the customer-facing or "front end" part of the website. A web designer is concerned with how a site looks and how the customers interact with it (they are sometimes also referred to as "experience designers"). Good web designers know use the principles of design to create a site that looks great.
They also understand about web usability and how to create a site's that are user friendly that customers want to navigate around in because it’s so easy and intuitive to do so.
Web Development
Web development comes in two flavors: front-end development and back-end development. Some of the skills in these two flavor overlap, but they do have very different purposes in the web design profession.
A front-end developer takes the visual design of a website (whether they created that design or it was handed to them by a visual designer) and builds it in code. A front-end developer will use HTML for the structure of the site, CSS to dictate the visual styles and layout, and perhaps even some Javascript. For some small sites, front-end development may be the only kind of development that is needed for that project. For more complex projects, "back-end" development will come into play.
Back-end development deals with the more advanced programming and interactions on the pages. A back-end web developer focuses on how a site works and how the customers get things done on it using certainly functionality. This could include working with code that interfaces with database or creating features like Ecommerce shopping carts that connect to online payment processors and more. Good web developers may know how to program CGI and scripts like PHP. They will also understand about how web forms work and how different software packages and API (application programming interfaces) can be used to connect those different packages.
What many different web professionals do
While some web professionals specialize or focus on certain areas, many of them blur the lines between different disciplines. They may be most comfortable working with visual designs using programs like Adobe Photoshop, but they may also know something about HTML and CSS and may be able to code some basic pages. Having this cross-knowledge is actually very helpful as it can make you much more marketable in the industry and better at what you do overall. A visual designer who understands how web pages are built will be better equipped to design those pages and experiences. Similarly, a web developer who has a grasp of the basics of design and visual communication can make smart choices as they code up pages and interactions for their project.
Ultimately, whether you have this cross knowledge or not, when you look for someone to work on your site, you need to know what you’re looking for — web design or web development. The skills you hire for will play a major role in the cost of what you will have to spend to get that work done. In many cases, design and front-end development for smaller, more straightforward sites will be much less (on an hourly basis) than hiring an advanced back-end coder. For larger sites and projects, you will actually be hiring teams that contain web professionals who cover all of these different disciplines.
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