Official GR and ΕΛ name registrar
With license application number 7726/25-10-2022 to EETT (National Telecommunications and Postal Commission) WEBGIFT DEV (Stratakis G. Stavros) is now an approved registrar and administrator of domain names .gr, .ελ (reg number: 22-106). Register or transfer a .gr domain name Register your domain name below for: 10,00€/year. Minimum registration time is 2 years and maximum 10 years. Domain registration request function validateDomain(id) { var id = trim(id); var val = document.getElementById(id).value; if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9](?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})+$/.test(val)) { retur...
check availability, registration, transfer, domain name, official registrar, transfer domain names
With license application number 7726/25-10-2022 to EETT (National Telecommunications and Postal Commission) WEBGIFT DEV (Stratakis G. Stavros) is now an approved registrar and administrator of domain names .gr, .ελ (reg number: 22-106).

Register or transfer a .gr domain name
Register your domain name below for: 10,00€/year. Minimum registration time is 2 years and maximum 10 years.
Domain registration request
If you wish to transfer your domains (change of registrar) then this is completely free of charge! The renewal has a cost of 10,00€/year.
Domain transfer request
Available name extensions
In addition to the registration of domain names ending in .gr and .ελ (2nd level names), domain names can also be assigned to the following subdomains of .gr (3rd level names):
- for those engaged in commercial activity.
- for educational organisations.
- for Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
- for non-profit organisations.
- exclusively for government agencies.
Restrictions on domain name registration
Registration declarations that are considered invalid pursuant to Article 8 of the Space Name Management and Assignment Regulation (Domain Names) ending in .gr or .ελ are automatically rejected.
Registrations of domain names ending in and second level domain names ending in .gr or .ελ included in the list of geographical terms of EETT are examined by EETT and rejected in the first case if the registrant is not a governmental organization to which a domain name ending in can be assigned and in the second case if the registrant is not the respective Local Government Organization.
Who is EETT?
The National Telecommunications and Postal Commission (EETT) in Greece is an Independent Administrative Authority, responsible for the management and assignment of .gr and .ελ domain names.
Useful links
- Official website EETT.
- FAQs from the Domain Name Registry (in Greek language).
- Registrars' list.
Read Also
- Difference between domain name and web hosting in section: Web services blog
- Professional email in section: Domains - Hosting
- Register - Transfer a domain name in section: Domains - Hosting